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Practice Policies

Fees and Payment: Payment is due at time of service in the form of cash, check or credit card. Please have payment prepared prior to the session. Credit card must be kept on file which will be billed in the case of a missed session or if it is the preferred method of payment. A receipt will be emailed/or texted to you.


Receipts: Monthly, weekly or daily receipts for every session can be obtained at any time during payment.


Insurance: Insurance is not accepted. However, you can submit your receipts to your insurance company and most people often get partial reimbursement. Your insurance company can give you more details about your plan.


Cancellation policy: Appointments must be cancelled or rescheduled two business days in advance of the scheduled time. Appointments that are not cancelled according to this time frame will be billed. The logic behind the two day cancellation is as follows: while physicians in other specialties can double and triple book patients each hour, such that even if one does not come, the physician is still earning money for his time, psychiatrists can only book one patient per hour and therefore cannot sustain a viable practice if there is not such a policy in place.


Duration: Appointments are typically 45 minutes in length. Please make every effort to arrive on time, as each session must end on time out of consideration for the patient with the next appointment.


Emergencies: If you have an emergency, call the office phone. If I do not pick up, leave a message. If it remains an emergency, please proceed to the nearest Emergency Room.


I have read and understood Dr. Burgut’s policies.

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